
Tapping Into Creativity for Business Results

We are all insanely busy, and getting busier all the time. We can’t add more hours to the day, so the only way to achieve our goals is to get further with the time we have. To get the next game changing business idea, we need to step out of the day-to-day business operations, and tap into our business creativity.

After years doing leadership development in corporate high-tech, and then coaching many talented professionals in my executive coaching practice, I’ve honed a set of rituals to ensure that I not only deliver on my commitments, but that I create time for the things that truly inspire me in my business.

Here are the top five ways that I tap into creativity for business results:

1. Create the space

If you’re like me, you’re probably wearing many hats—strategic decision making, leading your team, marketing. The phone is buzzing, and emails are flying. It takes effort to really carve out the space; to give yourself the time-out-of-time. This means limiting—or better yet, eliminating—distractions. Phone off, internet off, game on.

2. Set up your environment

For me, it’s important that I’m out of my house—which means I’m out of my day-to-day. No books or bills to distract me. I need a clear space so I can open my mind. Personally, I go to my favorite tea house, order a pot of green tea, and see what arises. The environment settles me, and the tea energizes me—time to tap in.

3. Clear your mind

To clear my mind, I create a “later” list. I jot down everything I need to take care of but don’t want to think about now. Without prioritizing, I just get anything and everything down on a single list. During my business creativity session, whenever a nagging task comes to mind, I simply write it on this list. Mind clear, channel open.

4. Choose your tools

I use a computer. To kill the temptations of Facebook, email and the like, I simply shutdown WiFi. The silence that follows is essential for creating space for new ideas to percolate. I keep my “later” list in a physical notepad, so when distracting to-dos pop into my head I can capture them in a flash and quickly get back to my creative work. In addition, I keep a blank artist pad at the ready because sometimes I want to draw something like a model or flow chart. Tools at the ready—time to dive in.

5. The right time

My creative juices flow best in the morning and early afternoon. If I start my creative time at 10am, I’m golden. I maintain focus until 1 or 2pm. After that, I need to move. I take a walk, go to the gym or meet a client. But during that sacred time, I am immovable. I just let the creativity move through me—and then I give it a rest. My creative work on my business is complete for the day.

If this resonates, let’s connect—I’d love to hear what your best rituals are when you’re looking for your next big business idea.

Tapping Into Creativity for Business Results

We are all insanely busy, and getting busier all the time. We can’t add more hours to the day, so the only way to achieve our goals is to get further with the time we have. To get the next game changing business idea, we need to step out of the day-to-day business operations, and tap into our business creativity.

After years doing leadership development in corporate high-tech, and then coaching many talented professionals in my executive coaching practice, I’ve honed a set of rituals to ensure that I not only deliver on my commitments, but that I create time for the things that truly inspire me in my business.

Here are the top five ways that I tap into creativity for business results:

1. Create the space

If you’re like me, you’re probably wearing many hats—strategic decision making, leading your team, marketing. The phone is buzzing, and emails are flying. It takes effort to really carve out the space; to give yourself the time-out-of-time. This means limiting—or better yet, eliminating—distractions. Phone off, internet off, game on.

2. Set up your environment

For me, it’s important that I’m out of my house—which means I’m out of my day-to-day. No books or bills to distract me. I need a clear space so I can open my mind. Personally, I go to my favorite tea house, order a pot of green tea, and see what arises. The environment settles me, and the tea energizes me—time to tap in.

3. Clear your mind

To clear my mind, I create a “later” list. I jot down everything I need to take care of but don’t want to think about now. Without prioritizing, I just get anything and everything down on a single list. During my business creativity session, whenever a nagging task comes to mind, I simply write it on this list. Mind clear, channel open.

4. Choose your tools

I use a computer. To kill the temptations of Facebook, email and the like, I simply shutdown WiFi. The silence that follows is essential for creating space for new ideas to percolate. I keep my “later” list in a physical notepad, so when distracting to-dos pop into my head I can capture them in a flash and quickly get back to my creative work. In addition, I keep a blank artist pad at the ready because sometimes I want to draw something like a model or flow chart. Tools at the ready—time to dive in.

5. The right time

My creative juices flow best in the morning and early afternoon. If I start my creative time at 10am, I’m golden. I maintain focus until 1 or 2pm. After that, I need to move. I take a walk, go to the gym or meet a client. But during that sacred time, I am immovable. I just let the creativity move through me—and then I give it a rest. My creative work on my business is complete for the day.

If this resonates, let’s connect—I’d love to hear what your best rituals are when you’re looking for your next big business idea.

Tapping Into Creativity for Business Results

We are all insanely busy, and getting busier all the time. We can’t add more hours to the day, so the only way to achieve our goals is to get further with the time we have. To get the next game changing business idea, we need to step out of the day-to-day business operations, and tap into our business creativity.

After years doing leadership development in corporate high-tech, and then coaching many talented professionals in my executive coaching practice, I’ve honed a set of rituals to ensure that I not only deliver on my commitments, but that I create time for the things that truly inspire me in my business.

Here are the top five ways that I tap into creativity for business results:

1. Create the space

If you’re like me, you’re probably wearing many hats—strategic decision making, leading your team, marketing. The phone is buzzing, and emails are flying. It takes effort to really carve out the space; to give yourself the time-out-of-time. This means limiting—or better yet, eliminating—distractions. Phone off, internet off, game on.

2. Set up your environment

For me, it’s important that I’m out of my house—which means I’m out of my day-to-day. No books or bills to distract me. I need a clear space so I can open my mind. Personally, I go to my favorite tea house, order a pot of green tea, and see what arises. The environment settles me, and the tea energizes me—time to tap in.

3. Clear your mind

To clear my mind, I create a “later” list. I jot down everything I need to take care of but don’t want to think about now. Without prioritizing, I just get anything and everything down on a single list. During my business creativity session, whenever a nagging task comes to mind, I simply write it on this list. Mind clear, channel open.

4. Choose your tools

I use a computer. To kill the temptations of Facebook, email and the like, I simply shutdown WiFi. The silence that follows is essential for creating space for new ideas to percolate. I keep my “later” list in a physical notepad, so when distracting to-dos pop into my head I can capture them in a flash and quickly get back to my creative work. In addition, I keep a blank artist pad at the ready because sometimes I want to draw something like a model or flow chart. Tools at the ready—time to dive in.

5. The right time

My creative juices flow best in the morning and early afternoon. If I start my creative time at 10am, I’m golden. I maintain focus until 1 or 2pm. After that, I need to move. I take a walk, go to the gym or meet a client. But during that sacred time, I am immovable. I just let the creativity move through me—and then I give it a rest. My creative work on my business is complete for the day.

If this resonates, let’s connect—I’d love to hear what your best rituals are when you’re looking for your next big business idea.
